Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

He Loves It!

Keaton is playing soccer this spring. He absolutely loves it! He wants to go everyday and gets disappointed if it isn't a game day. He has already told me our back yard needs a goal in it. I think we have a sports player on our hands!! :)

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Home Stretch

I have entered my third trimester. My belly is expanding rapidly now. I have started grunting and groaning to get off the couch, out of bed, or just to tie my shoes.

This pregnancy has went fairly smooth so far but the demands on my body are starting to take it's toll. I have had a couple complications arise that I am doing my best to deal with while trying to stick it out as long as possible at work.

My patients at work have enjoyed this journey with me. They have watched me grow and change everyday. They always worry when I will go to lunch or if I am resting enough at home.

The baby is moving a lot. I can tell she is getting stronger by the force of her kicks! I am sure she will be a great soccer player one day! :)

Makenna and I are going shopping again to get some things for the baby. She enjoys helping me pick out clothes. She is sure that everything needs to be either pink or purple. She is really excited for her sister to get here.

Some people say they love being pregnant. I am not particularly fond of it, but I am keeping my eye on the prize of holding this precious little girl in just a few weeks.

Monday, March 1, 2010

A Dinosaur Day For Keaton

Sunday afternoon we celebrated Keaton's birthday with our family. It was a fun time.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Keaton's Day

Monday the 22nd was Keaton's 5th birthday. We made dinosaur cupcakes to share with his classmates at pre-school.

He enjoyed sharing his birthday with his friends.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Snow Day...Again

Hopefully, the kids will get to go back to school soon! But in the meantime, they are having fun outside in the white stuff!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I am a bit late in posting these pictures. I think our Christmas card pictures were the easiest picture setting we have ever done with kids. With a new baby on the way I cherished every moment of it because I figure we will be pulling teeth to get good pictures again for the next few years...(sigh).

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Baby Update

It has been a while since my last post. I need to get better about blogging again. Lots of exciting changes will be happening around here soon!

I am 21 weeks along in my pregnancy. I have been having some pain lately. I called the Dr. this week and he sent me for an ultrasound. They said everything looked fine and our little GIRL is doing ok. He suggested I drink more and rest more to see if that helps with the pain. It has improved some over the past couple of days...yeah!

I am ready to start organizing and making room for baby. Makenna is really excited to help with the shopping of all the little pink outfits and things. I think I am pretty excited too.

On Tuesday, I go for the big ultrasound where they check it all out and make sure she is growing as she should. I look forward to my appointments. It is nice to get to hear the heartbeat and get a sneak peak at her.

I know this is going to be the last baby I carry. I am trying to take it all in this time and not miss a thing.