Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I am someone who does well if I have a routine. I usually roll well with some unexpected bumps along the way but seem to get out of sorts sometimes if my routine gets too far off track.

The place where I work is changing a few things. The bad economy even effects the medical field. There have been rumors that we will shut our clinic down three afternoons a week. We are still waiting to see if that pans out. I have also agreed to shift my schedule a bit. I will be working with different co-workers but doing the same job. I have a few really good friends who I work with now that I will miss dearly. We have helped each other along our "journey". We have been there for each other through the tough times of divorce and health problems. We have also shared in the joy of kids and spent time talking about God and Sunday sermons with each other.

I will be out of my comfort zone for a few days but I know things will be alright. I will get along with everyone and make some new friendships. I just feel like I am losing some friends which makes me sad.

Continuity gives us roots; change gives us branches, letting us stretch and grow and reach new heights. ~Pauline R. Kezer

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